Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A author's Review (Dean Koontz)

On yesterday I talked about Dean Koontz an his series "Odd Thomas". Well here is my personal review as Dean Koontz as a author.

Personally I love Dean Koontz as a author, I love how he is able to breathe such life into all his characters. He makes you feel with every being of your emotion. Koontz is one of the very few authors that I can say that I look up to when it comes to my writing style. I have read several of Koontz's books and I really enjoy most of them. There is one however I didn't really care for and that was "Tick Tock" (I will post a review on that a little later). On the other hand one of my favorite's by Koontz was "The Husband" which is a very moving tale that ask the question: What would you do for love? (Review coming soon)

Other than an occasional hit and miss by Koontz he is a very versatile author whom I personally believe can take on almost any genre that is thrown at him. Which is the mark in my opinion of a very excellent author: versatility. I look forward to reading more from Koontz in the future as this amazing author continues to amaze us all.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Odd Thomas Series

I loved the first book "Odd Thomas" and now I am reading the "Forever Odd". I enjoy reading about the strange fry cook, Odd Thomas. He is one of my favorite characters that Dean Koontz has come up with, maybe it's his strange qualities of being able to see ghost. Or his humor but I am almost certain that you will find Odd Thomas to be a very likable if not strange character. I will post my review of "Odd Thomas" shortly. But I am sure you will not be upset with the "Odd Thomas"  series.