Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pre Review thoughts on "The Host"

Okay so when I first got the book "The Host" I put off reading it for the longest. I was in no rush to read it because it was written by the same author who wrote "Twilight". I must say this book is not as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing I can say about this book thus far is that it started out really confusing.

Like I really didn't get whose point of view I was reading from. Was I reading from the souls pov or was I reading from the "host" pov. It was confusing because it took  me a really long time to figure that out. I haven't really gotten in to the book deep enough, but it seems to me that this book is basically "body snatchers" with a romantic twist. Like the story of " Body Snatchers" has been done to death. I will have to let y'all know how it goes... So until then..

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Teen Literature

Hey guys I thought I would come threw and voice my opinion about teen literature. I admit it's not one of my favorite genres in books. Although I should be more open about teen literature and not so closed minded. I think that teen fiction is one if those genres I cant take serious because.. well it's teen literature. These books are way to easy for a seasoned reader like myself to read. I did decided to give this genre a second look and try to read some of the books that are in this area. I recently read one book from this particular area and it was not a strong start to the genre.

However, I will not judge the whole genre of books on this one book. I will keep you all updated as I explore a new section of books and as I try to grit my teeth and bare threw the genre know as teen fiction. Mind you though that LB is not a girly girl that watches twilight.. and nor am I a self loathing depressing girl that lives for twilight.. LB is a bibliophile that enjoy's good literature and loves a good historical novel. I am only reading this genre of books because their has been a surge of these books recently and I want to see what the hype is about..

Finished (pre review thoughts)

So I just finished reading "Divergent" and this book was okay. I will go into more detail in my review of the book but it was not good and was not bad. It was a okay book. A very easy read. Stay around for the review for a more in depth look of "Divergent"

Monday, April 8, 2013

Up next on the read list

Hey guys and gals this week I bought two new books, and actually two books that I have been wanting for a while. I finally go them and I am looking forward to reading them especially looking forward to Moloka'i. I have heard nothing but good things about that book. So I will see if it lives up to all the hype that I have heard about it. I will keep you up to date about these two books.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Entwined with You pre release thoughts!

Okay so for those who have been following the blog for the past weeks will know that I have been a HUGE fan of the "Crossfire" series with Gideon and Eva. Well for those who have actually taken my advice and started to read the series will understand me when I say that these books are AWESOME! I am also super happy that book three and the very last one in the series (awww man!) will be released on 6/4/13! I can't wait I need my fix of Gideon and Eva. I want to see were and how there relationship will end.. 

I did go on Sylvia Day's website and I read a excerpt of book number three, man it make me really wonder what is going to happen now that Gideon did the unthinkable (read book two to find out what he did). I am so curious to find out more. One thing I do hope is that the ending of this book ties everything up completely instead of leaving the reader with on answered questions like several other books have done. I thought I would share my joy on the series being finished. I do hate the fact that I must wait for it to release on June 4 but I do hope the wait is worth it!

here is the link for an excerpt of "Entwined with You" 


Okay so I did forget to mention that I did finish this book as well.. This is part two to the first book " Bared to you" By Sylvia Day. I really did like this one a lot better! Stay posted for the review!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Currently Reading #2

I currently reading these two books as of now and so far they are really good "divergent" reminds me of the hunger games. I am only at the start of it but the book is good so far. I am really enjoying "The Tiger's Wife" it is a really good novel with some historical back round. I will keep you all posted as I blaze threw these books!