Saturday, January 21, 2012

More thoughts on fantasy books

So I mentioned i while back that I had never really got into fantasy books, but I must say that I have found some really good authors and my perspective on the genre is changing as I read. So that is a plus, I am really enjoying reading the books. I just thought I would come threw and share my thoughts with you guys. I am actually really open to this genre. So I will have more as my journey threw all things fantasy continues!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have a new e reader now!

So you remember when I told you that I was going to buy a new e reader well i went to Barnes and Noble and I got the second generation nook, the one with the full touch screen and I love it! It is the best and it's perfect for me because I do have this blog and this lets me send some of my reading updates to twitter and Facebook. I will have to take a picture of it and post it for you all to see. I just thought I would come threw and share the great news about my wonderful new nook.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thinking about getting a new e reader

Hey there I am thinking about getting a new e reader because the one I have know is great and all it's just outdated so what I was thinking is getting a new e reader. I love the nook but I have the first generation so i was thinking about either getting the nook color or the second generation nook which is a little faster. I don't know I still love my first nook though. I do wish that B & N would let you trade in your old reader for a new one. That would be the greatest perk EVER! But if a decided to get a new nook I would do it with some of my tax refund. then just save the rest. Heck I will keep you posted.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Addicted to Barnes and noble...

I have a problem.. I am addicted to Barnes and Noble... This bookstore gets more of my business than I have ever know! Like I seriously have a real bad habit of buying books, maybe it's because I am a avid reader.. I don't but I can spend a whole day in that store. I just love the atmosphere of Barnes and Noble. Maybe I should go to books anonymous. I guess it's a real healthy addiction to have. I rather be addicted to books than some super bad habit. I guess I don't mind it, but yea I really do think I have a problem. I don't mind it, like I said it's a real healthy habit to have.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My thoughts on fantasy books (Sunday Discussion)

I love reading the Harry Potter books and I love reading fiction in general. However when it comes to fantasy books I can admit that I am not well read on that subject. I find some fantasy books to be confusing. Or just maybe I never got into the whole fantasy world's thing so I finally decided to give the fantasy genre another chance. So I have picked up some works by Brent Weeks to get me warmed up to the world of genre. My question for those who read are what are some of your fantasy books that you recommend for me? It's time that this book worm gives fantasy another chance!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The printed word is not dead! (Sunday Discussion)

With technology evolving so quick and so fast, it's hard to say that the printed word is still hanging in there. I must admit that the e reader offers a real luxury allowing there owners to take as many books as they want. However I must admit I still love the feel of the book in my hands.

I don't mind being called old fashioned on that note. I just feel that the printed word can still be relevant. In all my pros for the written word i admit I have broken down and bought a Nook when it came out. Even though I have a nook i find myself always going back to good ol fashioned book. Maybe I don't wanna have my expensive e reader come up missing when i am out and about. But its just something about the nostalgia about a book that I love so much. I would love to hear what you all have to say about this topic. Don't be shy let the flood gates open!!!